Mediumship Readings & Courses

What is Mediumship?
The continuity of life continues forever from a divine and loving energy after we pass away. The essence of our existence is our spirit, not our physical body. Mediumship is when someone’s consciousness can interpret messages from this energy. Often, the messages are felt, heard or relayed as a mental impression, which create the medium’s “database”. A medium’s database is often made up of colors, letters, and various vignettes. As a result, the database helps the medium “read” the energetic information and translate it into a message the those here on earth will understand. Pam believes that everyone has the capabilities to practice mediumship and connect with spirit. She has been studying, practicing and honing this craft for 13 years since she first discovered she could communicate with the other side. Pam's intention with mediumship is to provide positive, evidential information that will promote healing and comfort for her clients.
Upcoming Mediumship Courses
- Jan 09, 2025, 6:30 PM – May 01, 2025, 9:00 PMAn advanced Mediumship and Intuition course available to those who just completed the Intermediate level. Students will cover new and more advanced concepts and exercises each week, with spirit connection circle time at the end of each class. Dates: 1/9, 1/16, with Re-union class on 5/1/25
- Feb 05, 2025, 6:30 PM – 9:00 PMCalling ALL Mediums this is the long awaited circle reunion! Hone your skills with this powerful Intuitive Circle time, preceded by a high activation guided meditation! I’ve missed you and so has Spirit!
Mediumship Readings
Face to face Readings
Pam can connect you with your loved ones on the other side! During a mediumship reading done either face to face or via FaceTime, Pam will communicate with spirit, your loved ones and your guides to offer positive, healing, messages. Pam feels blessed to be able to help people through times of grief or trouble with her mediumship readings. The recipient of the reading will gain everything from a familiar “hello”, to insight, to loving guidance, and even closure.
1 person / 30 min / $95
1 person / 50 min / $145
2 people / 30 min / $175
2 people / 50 min / $265
Soul Script Letters
Pam enjoys writing her mediumship readings as handwritten "Soul Script Letters". The letters relay the same type of healing messages as a regular face to face reading. They are unique, and take on the authentic tone of who they are connecting with. This is a great option if you don't live locally, wish to cherish your reading as a keepsake, or want to give the gift of a mediumship reading. Please be ready to provide a photograph (via email or mail) of the person you wish to connect with.
$95 per Letter
Angel Card Readings
Receive divine, loving, angelic guidance from the Heavenly Angels. This 30 minute session will bring forth powerful messages, using many decks (including Arch Angel Michael and Raphael), that work through the "Law of Attraction". Oracle readings have guided individuals for centuries. Receive your personal message, as Pam uses her intuitive gifts to guide your reading. Find clarity, peace and healing, with the highest and best universal energy.
1 person / 30 min / $85
Disclaimer: All sessions are for adults 18 years old or older. Any information presented in a session is not meant to replace any psychological, legal, medical, or other professional advice or services. The guidance and insight provided through my services are intended to help clients make better life choices toward their own happiness and fulfillment, and that a client is always free to make their own choices at will, regardless of the interpretation of the information. Pamela DeNapoli shall not be liable regarding any action or non-action taken by the client in reference to the information presented during the session. Services are non-refundable.